Hondureppa Rulebook

3-5 players (for stress reasons)


Hondureppa is a card game that was started by three young men by the names of Wyatt Groth, Luke Cooper, and Andrew Barre in El Progresso, Honduras. A few days later, Riggins Groth (the first and only known inductee into the Hall of Reppans) and Nathan Lind were inducted into the game. As time went on, the rules became clearer and more professional and select people were chosen to be inducted. The only material needed is a standard deck of cards.


Be the first one to get rid of all their cards, but only if the start stack is gone. Once you do this, you are the winner and thus crowned the “Reppa” and you get to deal the next game.

  • Hall of Reppans: The most pristine level of greatness for a Hondureppan player that only inducts the greatest of the greats. Only known member – Riggins Groth
  • Start Stack: The remaining cards after you deal.
  • Down Cards: Two unknown cards that you put in front of you during the game. You need to get rid of both of them to win the game.
  • Each player will receive seven (7) cards, but they shan’t look at them just yet.
  • After the reigning Reppa deals the cards, they must randomly, without knowing what they are, pick two of their seven cards to place down in front of them.
  • Place the remaining cards in the middle of all of the players.
  • Once you flip over the top card from the start stack, all of the players can look at their five (5) hand cards and start playing.
  • There are no turns.
  • Before and after the game, everyone must perform the Hondureppa chant.
  • You will always be required to say something during your turn (It may be more than one thing), and if you do not say all of the necessary things, you have to take the stack.
  • The Stack Never Lies™
  • The beginning to each round of play must include someone saying “Is everyone prepared?”. Once everyone consents and gives verbal or nonverbal confirmation that they are indeed prepared, the same person that asked the aforementioned question must count up to three (3) in Spanish/Español, or French/Français, depending on the mood.
  • Background music is required. Studies have shown that “Fast Jazz” is statistically proven to speed up gameplay and make it more enjoyable as an overall experience. Another recommendation by the founders is the song, “Creo en Mi” by Natalia Jimenez, please don't ask why.
  • After the first card is flipped, there are a number of things that you can do. This list will explain the turns. Keep in mind that whatever rule you use, you have to say it out loud for everyone to hear.
  • Continuation and Reverse Continuation: You can either play a card with a number after the current card and say “Continuation!” or it can be the opposite, which is the number before the current card. Ex: if the current card is five, you can play a six and yell “Continuation” or play a four and yell “Reverse Continuation”.
  • Ditto: You can play the same number as the current card. Ex: If the current card is a seven, you can play another seven and say “Ditto”.
  • Ace: If you have an ace, you may either use the continuation or reverse continuation rule, or you can randomly place it at any time because the ace trumps all. This is the proper pronunciation for this turn:
  • Back To The Start: When you play a two after an ace, you are required to say “Back to the start”. This is the proper pronunciation for this turn:
  • One, Two, Skip a Few and One, Two, Unskip a Few: If you have no cards before or after the current card, you can say the card before the current card and the current card, say skip a few, and put down a card that is two after the current card. The opposite may also be applied if you say “Unskip a few” instead of skip a few. Ex: if the current card is a seven (7), you can say “six (6), seven (7), skip a few, nine (9).” If you do the opposite, it would be “eight (8), seven (7), unskip a few, five (5).”
  • Multiplication: If there is a slow-down in gameplay, you are allowed to put down two (2) cards at once if their product is equal to the card previously placed. Ex: if the current card is six (6), you can play a three (3) and a two (2) at the same time and say, “Multiplication”, because the product of three (3) and two (2) is six (6).
  • If you either say the wrong thing at the wrong time or forget to say something, you are required to take the stack.
  • In the case that no one notices your mistake, you are not required to take any punishment.
  • When the start stack is gone, the game really begins. Because there are no more cards to flip over, the preparer is required to count to three (3) just as before, but whenever they are done, it is free play. The first person to set a card down needs to yell “First!”
  • If you rid yourself of all of your cards and down cards during this time, you officially win.
  • Downcards are the two (2) unknown cards that you place face-down in front of you at the beginning of the game. When you use up all of your hand cards, you are required to place one of your downcards onto the pile and yell, “Risk!” If this card is unsuccessful, you must take the stack and replace your downcard. If the downcard is successful, then you need to say out loud whatever rule you are using to make it work, then the game continues. Note that multiplication does not work with downcards.
  • If the start stack is used up, then whenever you need to replace your downcard, you can take a random hand card from another player.
  • If there are four (4) of the same number in a row, the player who put down the last one has to call out “Four of a Kind!” After this, all the players that didn’t play at least one of the four (4) have to distribute the stack amongst themselves. In the event that no one calls the four of a kind, then nothing happens. Ex. If three (3) of the five (5) players played a total of four (4) fours (4), then the other two (2) players are required to split the stack.
  • If a player gets rid of both of their downcards and all of their hand cards while the start stack is still in use, the player is required to take another card from the start stack and continue playing. However, if the start stack is gone and the player has no more cards, that particular player wins the game and is thus crowned the Reppa.

© Hondureppa 2023

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